

2 December 2023
Saturday 19:00
800–1680 lei
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Antytila in «Chișinău»!

Chișinău se pregătește pentru o explozie de energie și muzică, cu trupa ucraineană celebră ANTYTILA într-un turneu mondial care străbate trei continente! Această forță muzicală va transforma Tekwill într-un epicentru al distracției pe 2 decembrie 2023.

ANTYTILA nu este doar o trupă, ci o forță care a unit oamenii în stadioane și arene de talie mondială și care a luptat pe front în prima zi de război. Colaborând cu artiști precum Ed Sheeran și membrii trupei U2 - Bono și the Edge, transmit spiritul și puterea Ucrainei prin fiecare notă.

Melodiile lor, precum "2Step," "Cetatea Bakhmut," "TDME" și "Viryla," au fost un refugiu și o sursă de inspirație în timpurile dificile, exprimând tristețea, bucuria, durerea și forța de a lupta.

Piesa "Hello" a devenit coloana sonoră a unui documentar BBC și a deschis ușile muzicii ucrainene moderne pentru publicul european și american.

Nu ratați această oportunitate unică de a fi parte din acest moment special în Chișinău! ANTYTILA adaugă noi orașe în turneu, iar șansa de a-i vedea live este cu adevărat una de neratat.

De asemenea, fiecare bilet cumpărat la concertele ANTYTILA sprijină proiectele de voluntariat ale Fundației Caritabile ANTYTILA, care ajută copiii și familiile soldaților căzuți din batalionul 130.


The world-famous Ukrainian band "Antytila"  is going on a new part of the world tour in October. The artists will visit three continents and play large-scale Ukrainian shows. The concerts will feature songs that are sung today by people all over the world.


Ukrainian stars who before the war gathered stadiums and the largest arenas in the country and abroad.

Those who, from the first day of the war, left their instruments and went to the front.

Those who released a common song with Ed Sheeran and sang with Bono and the Edge from U2.

Those who carry the spirit and strength of Ukraine in their songs...are coming to your city!

To gather like-minded people all over the world with their music.


2Step, Bakhmut Fortress , TDME, Viryla, these songs became a consolation and salvation for many Ukrainians during the war. An excuse to cry, or to smile, grieve and cry out what hurts and find the strength to live and fight on. The song Hello became the soundtrack to a sensational BBC documentary and further opened up modern Ukrainian music to European and American audiences. Soon all these compositions will be performed live in your city.


Antytila band announces new cities!


«These concerts, this tour, in fact, could not happen. When we came to our 130th Battalion on the first day of the war, we did not think at all that after a year and a half we would be able to take the stage again. We just left the instruments at home and picked up the guns, that's all. In Kharkiv Oblast, we faced the death several times, and you know what, after that you especially appreciate life. Especially. Therefore, if you are reading this text, alive, then there is a reason to thank fate for this! And get together to sing songs that have meaning, nerve and unique history. By the way when you attend our concerts you’re not just listening to good music live but support Armed Forces of Ukraine" says the leader of Antytila, Taras Topolia.



Dates, countries and cities!


Hungary and Slovakia

21.10 – Budapest

22.10 – Bratislava


Czech Republic and Switzerland

24.10 – Praha

25.10. – Bern


Germany and Austria

26.10. – Cologne

29.10. – Wien

31.10. – Munich



2.11. – Milan



5.11. – Barcelona

6.11 - Alicante


Australia and New Zealand

9.11 – Sydney

12.11 – Melbourne

16.11 - Auckland


Ireland and Great Britain

25.11 – Dublin

26.11 – Manchester

27.11 – London

28.11 – Edinburgh



02.12 - Chișinău


The last part of the tour collected more than 2 million UAH, which were sent for the purchase of anti-drone guns, tourniquets and other useful items for the units of the Armed Forces.

The final part of the concerts will be symbolically held in Kyiv on February 14, 2024.


Currently, the musicians direct all their efforts to the volunteer projects of their own Charitable Foundation, which also takes care of the children and families of the fallen soldiers of their 130th battalion.

The band's official website:

The official website of Antytila Charitable Foundation: