13 September
Friday 19:00
"Eugene Ionesco" National Theater
300 lei
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September 13, 7:00 p.m.

Eugene Ionesco National Theatre

One evening, two unique shows!


SKY EARTH Dune Dance Company (Bulgaria) 

1. SKY EARTH is a performance of a metaphysical presence. What will the Soul remember from its journey on earth? Do we have an invisible essence, traveling between worlds and through time? The performance is a symbolic transition from the outer world to the inner world, where time does not exist and all versions of the Self intertwine. The performance uses a metaphysical approach to movement and connection between dancers, called the practice of deep listening. Once, when I was a man....

The performance is created in interaction with the dancers. The music is performed live and composed as part of the SKY EARTH creative process.

SKY EARTH is primarily an interaction with the audience, whose presence changes and defines the encounter itself, on the path of energy.


Idea and direction: Petya Stoykova

Choreography: Petya Stoykova with the dancers

Dancers: Tsvetina Matova, Radoslav Yordanov, Helin Hasan, Velizar Gruev, Elena Marinova, Nedelya Gancheva, Katina Dishkov

With special appearance by Lorei Slavcheva

Monologues: Tsvetina Matova, Helin Hasan, Radoslav Yordanov

Music: Teodora Stancheva and Tsvetan Momchilov

Voice and musical elements: Teodora Stancheva, Ivan Nanov

Costumes: Petya Petrova

Photography and video: Vladimir Gruev


The performance Sky/ Earth is part of the 15th edition of the CONTACT+ Moldova Contemporary Dance Festival. The festival is organized by the Association for the Development of Modern Dance. This year's edition is organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture and UNICEF.


DUNE is an independent contemporary dance company established in 1986, based in Burgas, Bulgaria. Represented by Dance BG, the company initiates a large number of national and international educational and creative projects, artistic partnerships and festivals. DUNE performances have been presented at festivals in: Senegal,

Germany, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Estonia, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Bulgaria.


Partners: Bulgarian Ministry of Culture, National Fund for Culture, Municipality of Burgas Municipality of Burgas, Korea Dance Abroad /South Korea, Korinsky Studio & Abel Korinsky/ Germany, Fantezia Dance Theatre & Contact+ Festival / Moldova.


DUNE Company has been developing for more than 20 years a contemporary dance school in Burgas, where more than 100 children and young people are trained every year.


2. I Carry, You Hold

"I Carry, You Hold" is a performance that explores the dynamics of human relationships through precise and refined choreography. In a confined space, a woman and a man test their limits in a duet that renders the balance between support, dependence and interdependence. 

The performance offers a subtle critique of traditional roles in dance and society, emphasizing how power can be shared in a fair and natural way. With a captivating story of empowerment and equality, this performance promises a unique visual and emotional experience, supported by an original soundtrack.


Olivia Court Mesa and Yochai Ginton, two renowned artists in the world of contemporary dance, bring to the forefront an elegant reinterpretation of Contact Improvisation, a dance form based on joint movements and maintaining constant contact. The performance is not about winning or losing, but about how we support each other in a relationship of balance and equality.


Olivia Court Mesa is a Chilean-Israeli dance artist with nearly three decades of experience in the performing arts. Her work explores deep themes of human psychology, influenced by her life as a foreigner and her status as a woman living in three different cultures. Olivia is known for the way she challenges and pushes the boundaries of traditional gender roles, bringing to the stage a unique vision of human interactions.


Yochai Ginton, a dancer, performer and dance teacher from Israel, is passionate about exploring diverse movement languages. Throughout his 17-year career, Yochai has collaborated with renowned choreographers and performed on international stages. Since 2012, he has been working closely with Olivia, co-creating works that combine performative aesthetics with deep reflections on inter-human relationships.


The two artists co-founded The Common Body, a project dedicated to the research and development of a unique language of movement. Their collaboration has given rise to acclaimed performances, including the duet "I Carry, You Hold", which won the 2024 Best Performance Award from the Israeli Ministry of Culture.


Choreographer: Olivia Court Mesa

Dancers: Olivia Court Mesa and Yochai Ginton

Sound Design: Roey Hason

Music: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart/ Piano Concerto No. 23 in A major, K.488: II. Adagio.Matthew Herbert/ Titles

Costume design: Factory 54


Duration: 20 minutes


The performance I carry, you hold is part of the 15th edition of the Moldova Contemporary Dance Festival CONTACT+. The festival is organized by the Association for the Development of Modern Dance. This year's edition is organized with the support of the Ministry of Culture and UNICEF.



Please note that the tickets do not have assigned seating, and the audience will be seated around the stage for a more immersive experience. Thank you for your understanding!