Mark Oselski - 33

Mark Oselski - 33

27 May 2022
Friday 18:00
"Nicolae Sulac" National Palace
200–500 lei
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Mark Oselski, pianist, composer and music producer from Chisinau invites you to attend a grand concert, which will take  place on  May 27th at 6:00 pm, at the National Palace “Nicolae Sulac”, where he will celebrate his 33rd anniversary alongside artists such as: Andrei Jilihovschi, Brio Sonores, Constantin Moscovici, Vali Boghean, Not An Idol, Julia Oselschi, Evghenii Nezveschuk and others. The entire concert will be accompanied by the band and chamber orchestra of Chisinau. The concert program will include well-known songs and also new ones, which were composed specially for this event. We are looking forward to offer you a high-quality variety of music: from academic singing to Crossover Opera, from Folk to Pop-Rock, from Jazz to Hot Latino Rhythms.

Special thanks to our valuable sponsors: Invest Credit,, Artizana and general partner - ALVYS.

Receive 10% discount when purchasing 10+ tickets. For more info reach out to Evghenii at: +37368294106