Master-class Latin Percussion Gilberto Acen - Cuba

Master-class Latin Percussion Gilberto Acen - Cuba

25 September
Wednesday 12:00
San Mari
100 lei
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Born in La Habana Cuba

He started musical and percussion studies at the age of 5, having the teachers on

Jose Luis Quintana Changuito

David Ortega Stuart

Roberto Hernández That one


Bands and collaborations:

Pachito Alonso y su Kini kini

Tumbao Habana

Félix Valoy and Cuban Son All Stars

Sugar Black

Analía Selis


Stefan Bănică jr and other Romanian artists

Horacio el negro Hernández

Omar Sosa

What a band

He has participated in countless international jazz festivals

He won first prize at the Jo Jazz festival in La Habana Cuba

He also collaborated in the recording of more than 20 albums

He is a percussion teacher with 25 years of experience and today he is part of the band BOSQUITO


For pupils and students of drum/percussion schools – admission is free!